Monday, February 20, 2012

IRONY in Scarlet Letter

Find 2 examples of verbal irony,  2 examples of dramatic irony,  and 2 examples of situational irony in the novel.   


  1. One Irony was that of the scarlet letter, the letter was suppost to bring humility yet the way she decorated with gold was all but humble. That also the scarlet letter was of the color scarlet, which can be seen as the color of power or royalty. The fact that Prynn changed his name to Chillingworth was a bit ironic. The name Dimmsdale (a faded green valley) was ironic. Another form of irony is at the end with Dimmsdale when he walked back in to the village after talking to Hester in the Forest that he suddenly wanted to do wicked things, to mock the very people that mocked Hester. Also, when Dimmsdale, the day before getting out of dodge he declares his sin and dies. To me that would suck.

    1. What's up with Dimmesdale wanting to do wicked things when he comes back from the forest? What does that represent/mean??

    2. I think that might be a sign that the evil of his sin has finally seeped through to the rest of his soul.

  2. Verbal irony- Hester is standing in the courtyard and Mr. Dimmesdale is trying to have her tell everyone who the father of Pearl is while all along he is. Hester doesn’t want to say anything because she loves Dimmesdale and wants to save him. Another example of verbal irony is that Dimmesdale refers to himself as the worst of sinners during his sermons.
    Dramatic irony- We know Dimmesdale is guilty of adultery and the townspeople think he is the most holy man ever. The characters in the book are aware of what is really going on, but no one will come out and actually say it.
    Situational irony- Hester calls Pearl a demon child and she fears Pearl because she is the result of sin. Hester is frightened when she is around Pearl because she thinks that Pearl has some type of demon inside of her. Hester says she only feels safe when Pearl is asleep. The scarlet letter is a punishment and a symbol of wrongdoing, but over time, it becomes a symbol of honor.
