Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Antonia 2

Contrast the ways of life of the Burden family and the Shimerda family. Why does 
Mrs. Shimerda resent the Burdens at times? 


  1. The Burden family has it made, a nice house, many people to talk to and are fiendly to them, a successful farm. Mrs. Shimerda and her family have been cheated, left a dump whole for a farm, no one to talk to really, and the only man that can talk to them is a cheat. With all that I can't understand why Mrs. Shimerda resents the other (not).

  2. The Burden family represents what the Shimerda family was in Bohemia, established, wealthy, known, and happy. The Burden family has a farm that supplies all their needs, they are known about the area and if they need anything they are able to obtain it as they are financially secure. The Shimerda family lost a lot of money while transitioning to America, having been cheated a variety of times including the purchase of the "house" and "farm" in Nebraska. They must rely on Krajiek to translate for them and be fair but he is greedy and lies to the Shimerda family for his own monetary benefit. Mrs. Shimerda is prideful and it upsets her that she has been duped and her family suffers because of it.

    1. I just can't stand Mrs. Shimerda--really find her unlikeable.

    2. so do I. but as jims grandmother said, women change when in poverty and I can relate with this but she makes me mad and should keep grace in times of envy.

  3. The Bohemian family had come to a country to where they didn't know the language and they had been wronged by certain people. The Shemerda family had been placed in a area where they have to abandon their ways to try and adapt new and start over and they see the alread settled Burdens and can't help but feel envy. the Shimerdas live ina cave like house that doesn't have enough beds for the girls and family and they are suffering form hunger because in the winter they weren't prepared and the Burdens are always helping with food and such which made them feel bad and tell the Burdens that they weren't beggers but from a good family that was doing well in their country.

  4. The Shimerda family was Bohemian immigrants starting a new life in America. They arrived in Nebraska with no idea how to sustain themselves and no way to communicate. Times were rough for the Shimerdas. Mr. Shimerda was the rock of his family and respected. He tried hard to adapt to life in America, but found it difficult. Mr. And Mrs. Burden and Jim all have a great deal of admiration for Mr. Shimerda. Mrs. Shimerda is not the same type of person her husband is at all. She is rude and pushy, even to people she barely knows. It is because of Mrs. Shimerda that their family has come to America. Mrs. Shimerda expects others to help take care of her family. It seems that she is never satisfied with anything. Mrs. Shimerda always expects too much from everyone and never wants to give back. The Burden family has a farm that is rich in supplies and do not have the worry as the Shimerdas. The house they describe and cement floors were a far cry from what the Shimerdas have. The Burden family would help their neighbors with the riches they had and the neighbors did not.
