Monday, April 2, 2012

Jungle #2

To what extent do you agree with this statement? “The United States has a history of corporations taking advantage of
individuals.” If yes, what are some current examples of this? How does this phenomenon affect individuals, families, and
businesses? On the other hand, many would say that United States corporations have made our high quality of life
possible. How has corporate America improved the quality of life in this country?


  1. Both are correct. With out big business we wouldn't have work for people to do to make a living. Yes, they do use the people to make a furtune for themselves and that money dosen't trickle down tot he workers. We still do this today with Hormell and the immigrants that work their, the company uses them because they are cheap but they don't mind because they are able to make a living for their family which is better than what they could have done back home. The government has helped by making sure their is a farness to how the workers are treated and their conditions. These all came about because their were people who had a sense of justice that needed to fix these wrongs. That's the true power of America, we all believe in justice.

  2. I read an article in 2011 of large corporations taking advantages of employees and this is what was discussed ,many companies are taking advantage of the lower employees during the time of repression. For example companies are putting a heavier workload on their employees due to the lower income of profits. The heavier workloads occur from the miscalculated problems higher up in the company, which in turn hurts the lower employees that get the blame for it. In addition, companies are laying off employees when sometimes there not necessarily needed. Think about the Citi Bank. They just built a new baseball park in New York. How many people do you think they laid off pay for the construction of that park? Companies in the recession have beaten their employees to nothing. This time gives them the power to put rules in that they only dreamed of doing at any other time.
    At the same time individuals should be happy they have a job these days. My husband lost his job of 20 plus years because of moving to another country for cheaper labor. So, I would want to keep a job here if there were any jobs.

  3. I Believe that large corporations are using the work of the people to make their products and have the products be sold to the same people trapping them in a cycle of making and buying leaving the people at the top to control the working and buying habits of soceity while they amass the profits. these people have obtained the wealth to create more wealth to further control the people while degrading the environment around them and in the places they recieve their resources control the environment and the people in a nonstop dance of power and wealth.
