Monday, April 2, 2012

Chapter 11

1. What is the function of the Beef Trust?
2. What fears does Marija have about the bank? How reasonable are these fears?
3. Why did Marija wait in line at the bank? How long did she wait? What did she do with her money?
4. What caused the “run”?
5. How does Jurgis justify his role in the elections? Do you agree with him?
6. The soul of Jurgis “rose up in him like a sleeping lion.” What is the essence of his soul?
7. What is the “trap” referred to on page 116 that Jurgis falls into? What are the implications of this situation for the family?
8. Describe Jurgis’s confinement. What is the irony of this, in contrast to Ona’s return to work after childbirth?


  1. 2. What fears does Marija have about the bank? How reasonable are these fears?

    Back in those days they had a lot of fear, not only of the bank burning but also if the bank closed and took all their money, which did happen a lot before we had the FDIC. If a bank closed and you didn't get your money out before they ran out of money, you weren't getting that money back, it was gone. With how poor they were and that being all her money, I don't blame her for worrying.

  2. 1. What is the function of the Beef Trust?
    The beef trust was one of the first health regulations that was applied to beef because of the many diseases being produced in beef. This benefited many people because consumers were now sure that the beef they consume is 100% healthy and edible.

    2. What fears does Marija have about the bank? How reasonable are these fears?
    Marija has the reasonable fear to lose all the money she deposited. She fears losing her money because she feels her whole family has bad luck with financial situations. The fear is reasonable because the money was hard to earn. There was little money for working extremely hard. Feeling cautious and worried would be normal because they really need it to survive.

    4. What caused the “run”?
    The run was caused by a scandal by a business in Packingtown and the rumor of the run was spread by the bank. Workers from all over the town wanted to take their money out the bank and the lines for the bank were enormous; everyone feared to lose their money. The tension was felt and the concern of what people were suffering.

    7. What is the “trap” referred to on page 116 that Jurgis falls into? What are the implications of this situation for the family?
    Jurgis injures his ankle at work and is unable to work for a period of time. He is the major contributor to the family´s income. There is concern because Ona is expecting a baby. This is a huge implication for the family because they are going through times where money is more needed than ever before.

    1. From beth:
      Chapter 11
      What cause the run? Well there was some trouble at the saloon next door and this led to a crowd growing and it gathered around the bank and rumors started that way.
      What was the trap that Jurgis fell into? He trap that captured the meat he fell into when a steer had broken free and cause all the men to go into a frenzy and they couldn’t see for all the steam.

  3. 3. She waited because she was afraid she would lose all her money due to corruption. She waited about 20 hours. She sewed her money onto her cloth so no one steals it.

  4. 5. Even though he has more experience and knows the being bribed was bad, his family is still in financial trouble so he has no other choice. I think many means to money are excusable and this would be one of those means.

  5. 6. His soul was, even though he might be hurting, he knows he needs to rise up and be the fatherly figure the family needs to stay afloat.
