Monday, April 2, 2012

Chapter 4

1. What are Jurgis’s plans for everyone in their new, relocated family?
2. Describe the real estate agent. What is the family’s perception of him? What is your perception of him?
3. What is Jokubas Szedvilas’s advice for the family in the purchase of real estate?
4. Why does the family prefer to buy rather than rent?
5. By the end of the chapter, the family is in much anguish over their purchase. What are Jurgis’s worries? And what are those
of Ona and Elzbieta?


  1. 2. Describe the real estate agent. What is the family’s perception of him? What is your perception of him?

    The real estate man wasa so pushy from the way he was descriped in the book. He also is not very forthcoming. I think that the family had the right notion of him at the get go, but it's hard to walk away when you can't clearly say what's wrong. We may be use to these ideas witht he expences hidden in the fine details,but for someone who is new it's hard to understand, the real estate agent should have explained more of the details to them in simple terms, even if he had waited after they had sign would have been better than never telling them until it's almost to late. either way, he has their money already, it's not going to hurt to tell them then.

    1. One thing I found interesting about the real estate agent was the family's reluctance to ever question him because he was a "gentleman." Their definition of gentleman is very "old world."

    2. I know, they saw him a gentleman but they didn't trust him but they didn't trust the lawyer either so they got another one. these people really should look into things more before jumping. personally I would have learned more of America before leaving the rental.

  2. 1. What are Jurgis’s plans for everyone in their new, relocated family?
    Jurgis´ plan for everyone in their family was that every man, except the grandfather to work hard and earn a good amount of money so they as a family could move on. Jurgis sets an example by working hard and having a good attitude to motivate the rest of the family. Jurgis wants to establish a good life for Ona . Jurgis wants to get a house of his own, which demonstrates that he wants to be independent and live a good life.

    2. Describe the real estate agent. What is the family’s perception of him? What is your perception of him?
    The real estate agent was very formal, charming, and friendly and wise. The agent was very good looking and seemed to be a very nice person. Jurgis perceived that the agent was a very friendly man and thought as him as very complex and smooth, he knew that the aim of the agent was to sell the house no matter what. I perceived the agent as a cunning man because he wanted to sell the house to Jurgis and his family and seemed to be somewhat of a fast talker. The house displayed good and bad things, but the agent was quite an expert at focusing only on the good ones which most of them do.

    3. What is Jokubas Szedvilas’s advice for the family in the purchase of real estate?
    Jokubas Szedvilas is very skeptical about purchases of real estates because of the stories he tells to Jurgis about many people he knew who bought houses and then everything went the wrong way. Jokubas does not like the idea of Jurgis buying a house because he thinks he, as a rookie so to speak in this new land, could easily take his life and his family´s down the drain. Jurgis position stays the same and is very convinced he is doing the right thing.

    4. Why does the family prefer to buy rather than rent?
    The family prefers to buy than rent simply because of the fact that if they bought the property, they would have a home and a place to live in to call their own. if they decided to rent a place and for any reason they don’t have the funds to pay for the rent, then they would end up being homeless. They did not want their family to suffer. Jurgis knew that paying for everything at once would pay off because the rent bills can change and if he decided to rent, he would have rented an awful flat compared to the house he bought.

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