Monday, April 2, 2012

Chapter 29

 Describe the essence and purpose of the Socialist party. What appeal does this have for Jurgis?


  1. Describe the essence and purpose of the Socialist party. What appeal does this have for Jurgis? The Socialist Party desires for ownership to be spread amongst the majority instead of the few. The severe and desolate conditions the working person fell under were cruel and they were unable to escape it. The working man was only able to receive enough to eek by but never enough to get ahead. For this, the profits in the current society go to the select wealthy few. Socialist wanted to banish this and to allow opportunity and fairness to the working class laboring community who were being taken advantage of. Every facet of what the Socialist party stood for it preceisely what Jurgis wanted to fight against, it was what killed his family and his dreams. He saw the corruption and desired for it to be stopped and lawfully negated was the only chance he had.

  2. Describe the essence and purpose of the Socialist party. What appeal does this have for Jurgis?
    The Socialist Party is not like other political parties. There is no back room mischief, but it is totally controlled by its membership. In addition, the Socialist Party is the only international party. Its goal is to establish real freedom and goodwill for all humankind. Most workers really believed that all Americans were free. Yet, over the past few years, conditions at the stockyards and in other factories have become so awful that many workers have realized the need for socialism. . The job of socialism is to teach the working people of the city how to take control of these factories for themselves. Jurgis sees socialism as the light and as the only means of salvation for all people. Socialism provides both hope and promise for Jurgis' future. There have been many bad things happen to Jurgis and he wants to make his situation better.

  3. They are trying to get more protection for workers and a level playing field for the oppressed. They are trying to help the lower class rise up out of the comtrol of the big company people and to clean up the political and great depervations in the society and current campions. They are trying to go back to basics on how people are suppost to be treated according to the golden rule, treat others the way you would like to be treated. This really influenced Jurgis because it gave him great insite that what he had known could be changed and made correct, that others didn't have to feel the pain like he did, that all oppression will end and the workers can have a say and not just a fixed say but an actual part in what is done at a local level.

  4. I feel that Jurgis was so taken by socialism is because he has grown old and weary from life of the wealthy taking advantage of the lower working man. he wants more from life than the never ending life of poor degrading lifestyles of animals. he just wanted a chance.
