Monday, April 2, 2012

Chapter 21

1. Who is the lady who comes to see Elzbieta? Why does she come, and what does she do for the family?
2. What is Jurgis’s role as father?
3. Jurgis once again feels hope and is once again dealt a blow. What has happened?


  1. 3. Jurgis once again feels hope and is once again dealt a blow. What has happened?

    A lady who was really important in the socialble society saw the child digging in the garbage pit and she really wants to help the family so she finds Jurgis a job at her fiance place in the steel factory. When everything starting coming together for them Jurgis son dies by drowning in the streets.

  2. 1. Who is the lady who comes to see Elzbieta? Why does she come, and what does she do for the family?
    A well-dressed young woman stops him and asks him all about his family life and background. She is a person involved in a community outreach in poor neighborhoods. She promises Juozapas to come and visit his family. She does and she shows up at Mrs. Jukniene's home the next day. She is horrified by the poor conditions they live in and by the blood stains still on the floor from Ona's painful last hours. Teta Elzbieta is glad to have someone to talk to, and she pours out all of their terrible experiences since coming to the States. The settlement worker cries in sympathy for Teta Elzbieta and her family. She promises Teta Elzbieta that, if Jurgis takes a letter from this woman to a certain superintendent at a steel factory in South Chicago, he will absolutely have to give Jurgis a job. Otherwise, she, the settlement worker, will refuse to marry this superintendent.

    2. What is Jurgis’s role as father?
    While Jurgis is home with his hand injury, he is left alone to bond with his son at last. Antanas is a year and a half old, very bright, and active. Jurgis finds Antanas to be the only source of hope and pride left for him. Jurgis loves the fact that Antanas cannot be disciplined. Antanas is strong-willed and never listens to what anyone tells him, which is the kind of spirit you need to survive this rough world. Antanas enjoys looking at the Sunday newspapers and comics with Jurgis. Antanas starts learning to say random things he hears.

    3. Jurgis once again feels hope and is once again dealt a blow. What has happened?
    It is springtime but Jurgis is already preparing for the next winter. One Saturday, after a heavy rain, Jurgis returns home to discover that Antanas has drowned. Just when Jurgis' life appears to be back on track, just when he begins to have hope for the future, fate transforms his dreams into nightmares. What luck for this poor man.

    1. It is this chapter that makes me think of the story of Job, from the Bible. Long story short: but God allows the Devil to "Test" Job to see how righteous and faithful he is. While doing this, every conceivable bad thing that could happen to Job happens and he loses his entire family, his home,all his animals, etc. I think he even gets lesions all over his body But he still believes. Up until now, Jurgis retained at least a little hope. Do you think that will all be gone now with his son's death??

    2. You're right and I never thought of it this way. after the death of his son i felt that he would never be right
