Monday, April 2, 2012

Chapter 18

1. As Jurgis re-enters the city, it is black rather than white with snow. What is the significance of this?
2. What things does Jurgis discover as he reaches his house?
3. What is the situation at Aniele’s?


  1. 1. As Jurgis re-enters the city, it is black rather than white with snow. What is the significance of this?

    I think that is forshadowing because they will soon loss his wife. Blackk is also a depressing color and it could signul that he is returning to a bad position in general, with work social and other problems to follow.

    1. I think it is amazing that this much DAMAGE has been done in only three years!!! Seems like much longer to me.

    2. Frpm Beth: Chapter 18
      What does Jurgis witness as he reaches his house? It has been painted, fixed and sold to a new family and they were told it was new.
      What is the situation at Anieles house? Ona is giving birth early and they have no money and Jurgis is running around trying to find a midwife with only 1.25 to his name barrowed from the people from the house and the neighbor. Everyone is on really hard times and struggling to survive.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 2. What things does Jurgis discover as he reaches his house?

    When he comes upon the house, it looks different and may have been repainted. The broken window has been repaired. He is completely confused. The front door opens and a boy Jurgis has never seen before comes out. Jurgis asks the boy where Jurgis's family is. The boy is shocked: this is his family's house. He slowly realizes that new people live there. An Irishwoman tells him that she recently bought the house. Grandmother Majauszkiene explains that, in Jurgis's absence, his family had been evicted. The company then refits the house and sold it to another family the next week. Jurgis rushes out again to Mrs. Jukniene's boarding house, where his family is staying. Jurgis weeps with grief and despair: he remembers all of the sacrifices they made to buy that house, just to lose it in the end! Arriving at his house, he finds that what he considered his own is, in reality, not his. Another family has been swindled, just as Jurgis had been. Both his house and his family are gone. Losing his house not only symbolizes the lost American dream, it foreshadows Jurgis' loss of Ona.
    3. What is the situation at Aniele’s?
    Jurgis races to Aniel’s home finding many women huddled in the kitchen while Ona’s screams are heard throughout the house. Marija explains that her baby has come early and they have no money for a midwife. Marija warns Jurgis not to go upstairs because of the delivery of their second child and it is premature. Ona keeps screaming and begging to die. Marija tells Jurgis to go away. Marija only has a quarter left, the family is starving, and they owe Mrs. Jukniene two weeks of rent. Meanwhile, the children have all been unable to come back in from downtown Chicago because the weather has been so bad. Therefore, the children do not know what further disasters have hit the family. Jurgis looks like he is about to collapse. Mrs. Jukniene gets up and hands him thirty-four cents. Their next-door neighbor, Mrs. Olszewski, gives Jurgis enough for a total of a buck twenty-five. Jurgis runs out to find a midwife.

  4. 1. As Jurgis re-enters the city, it is black rather than white with snow. What is the significance of this? It showcases how disgusting and toxic the living conditions in Packingtown were like. The roads were filth, people lived on top and walked through sewage, the plants polluted the air with “thick black smoke” and so the snow would not remain white and pristine under these conditions, nothing would. It also aids in explaining how and why Jurgis loathed Packingtown by its physical description being so corrupt, vulgar, and dirty that no person would want to live under those conditions yet thousands were made to.

    2. What things does Jurgis discover as he reaches his house? He discovers his home has been resold to another family of vulnerable immigrants having been lied to and told the home was new. He discovers his family has been evicted and he is not entirely certain where they have gone or what has become of them. He is terrified as he has officially lost his home, all that he has worked for, and may possibly have lost his family as well.

    3. What is the situation at Aniele’s? Ona has gone in to labor several months early and is unable to push the baby out effectively. The family is unable to afford a doctor and has no money for even a midwife so Ona is at the mercy of her friends and family. The women realize something is wrong but do not want to alarm Jurgis at first sending him away until they can no longer ignore the severity of the situation and that Ona could die if they do not find someone who can deliver the baby.
